
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Baking At Home task

Hello, and welcome to another blog today I've decided to make honey crackle witch is one of my families favourite recipes. I like this recipe because it is a simple recipe and tastes delicious 

Honey crackle recipe 
4C rice bubbles 
100g butter
1/2 cups sugar 
3 DSP honey 

Boil butter, sugar and honey until thick (approx 5 mins) add rice bubbles press into a 
greased tin and refrigerate till set.

Taste:  Honey, sweetened, syrupy, sugary
Texture: Crunchy, chewy, soft
Smell: sweet, honey
Look: Golden brown in colour, rice bubbles merged together.


  1. Hi Kaleb, the Honey Crackles are an old favourite of mine. I love the way you have presented your Blog and included the information with the relevant photos to illustrate this. Can you think of any ways you could modify this recipe?

  2. You can modify this recipe by coating it in white chocolate and adding 100s and 1000s if you like
