
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Electricity Circuits

Parallel- a circuit in which the bulbs are divided up evenly.

Series- a circuit in which the bulbs are in one continuous line.

Me and Kaedun made a parallel circuit and it worked well 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Happy Healthy Minds

 "From Happy Healthy Minds (The School of Life, 2020) 

Reading for Useful Ideas: Your Body

Your Body and Your Brain

Read the text, then complete the following sentences with the appropriate words. 

influence thoughts and feelings irritable work body mood brain school tell dehydrated feel why bad

Your brain is where your thoughts and feelings happen. A person’s mood changes because of what is happening in the rest of their brain. Lots of things about our bodies can influence our moods. Being too hot and thirsty on a day with northwest winds can make us ___________________. What is happening in your ____________ depends on the state of your body. The problem is that brains don’t _________ us when and _________ they are getting in __________ mood. It doesn't say to you, “Hey I’m _________________, so I’m about to ________ my ________ and that _________ is unfair and horrible.” 

Select the correct answer

  1. If something is going wrong in your body it can make you feel

    1. annoyed

    2. Irritated 

    3. that everything is too difficult

    4. All of the above

  2. A tricky point about our brains is that they don’t 

    1. Like our bodies much

    2. Like it when we drink too much water and eat good food

    3. Tell us when and why they getting in a bad mood

    4.  Play tricks on us

  3. Our bodies have a habit of not telling us how much they play with

    1. Our minds

    2. Our food

    3. Our sleep

    4. Our friends

  4. The next time you feel irritated with your parents or annoyed with your friend, ask yourself (list the four suggestions from the text)

    1. Do I need to stop eating so much chocolate 

    2. Did I get enough sleep

    3. Should I stop spending so much time on my ipad 

    4. Have I drunk enough water today 

  5. Our brains function well when we have

    1. A minimum of 6 hours of screen time per day

    2. Lollies three times per day or after every meal

    3. Eight hours of sleep per night and exercise during the day

    4. Few new ideas

I don’t like how I look

Read the text and write a brief answer to the24qw1`1 question.

  1. According to the text, why do we worry about how we look? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Highlight the correct answer

  1. A useful way to deal with ‘worrying about appearance’ is to consider the idea

    1. You are what you eat

    2. Your body is not you

    3. Your body is a temple

    4. There more to you than meets the eye

  2. What is meant by the term ‘soul’ in the text?

    1. An organ in your body

    2. The bottom of your shoe

    3. Personality, thoughts and feelings

    4. Your way of being you

  3. In the past, a big distinction was made between the body and the 

    1. Soul

    2. Sole

    3. Mind

    4. Heart

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Hello, and welcome back to another blog post. Last week our year nine leadership group had to make a presentation about different types of leaders.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Macaroni and cheese

2L Water

2t Salt

1 1/2  c Pasta

3T Butter

3T Cornflour

2 c milk

1c Cheese - grated
1 Tomato - Sliced 


1. Bring water to boil. Add salt and pasta. Boil for 12 - 15 minutes. Drain (reserve a little cooking water in a measuring cup)
2. Preheat oven to 180 C Fan Bake
3. Melt butter in a saucepan. Gently saute onion and garlic (optional). Stir in cornflour and cook, stirring until bubbles appear on the surface. (cooking the roux)
4. Remove from heat and gradually add milk and (optional) grainy mustard, stirring constantly.
5. Return to heat and cook stirring constantly until it boils and thickens.
6. Remove sauce from heat, gently stir in cheese and parsley (optional), season with salt and ground black pepper.
7. Stir cooked pasts gently into the sauce and pour into a greased ovenproof dish.
8. Put tomato slices on top, sprinkle over some breadcrumbs (optional), and some extra cheese.
9. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes until well heated through.

I think our group worked well sharing all the work and cleaning up 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Rice Paper Rolls

Hello, and welcome back to another blog post today in Home Economics class we made Rice Paper Rolls. It was a very yummy and easy recipe.

1/2 cup carrot sliced finely

1/3 cup capsicum sliced finely 

1/2 cup cucumber sliced finely 

1 cup lettuce sliced finely 

8 sheets of rice paper 

You could also add 

1⁄2 cup mung beans

1⁄4 cup roasted and chopped peanuts

1⁄2 cup shredded cooked chicken

1/2 cup Avocado 


1. Dip the rice paper sheets in cold water,

the layout on a clean benchtop and let them

soften for a minute.

2. Select from the different fillings to make 1⁄2

cup. Place in the middle of each softened

rice paper sheet.

3. Fold the left- and right-hand side of each

sheet towards the middle. Repeat.

4. Roll into a cylinder shape.

5. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready

to serve.

Serving suggestions

• Serve with a dipping sauce.


I think that our group worked pretty well making the food and cleaning.



Friday, October 23, 2020

steak Sandwich

Hello, and welcome back to another blog post this week on Tuesday in Home Economics we made steak sandwiches. It was a very yummy and easy recipe.


Beef schnitzel (Iron, Protein) 

Oil (for cooking meat)

Bread Rolls( Carbohydrates) 


Tomato Sauce 


Red Onion Rings 

Cheese Slices 


 1. Quickly pan fry the meat over medium-high heat until just cooked, turning once during cooking. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. Serve as a piece or shredded.

2. Cut rolls in half. These can be warmed or toasted if desired. Spread the tops and the bottoms of the bread with mayonnaise.

3. Top half of the bread with lettuce etc, steak and any other ingredients.

4. Cover with the remaining pieces of bread.

5. Serve 

I think our group worked well we all did a part in making the food and cleaning up. 

I liked the recipe it tasted great but I think it could have been a bit bigger 


Thursday, September 24, 2020

B&E Blog Post

On market day my group made sour lemonade and there were 3 shots that you had to try and drink. The first shot was a little bit sour the second has more sour and the last drink was extremely sour. 

On market day my group was successful we sold out all of our products And made $44.46 profit. I had a fun time on market day selling the shots and seeing people's reactions to the sourness. Next time what I would do differently is make more of our product because we sold out pretty fast and I think that if we made more product we could have made more money.  

I think that our group members did an unequal amount of work I found that me and luke were doing most of the work well the rest of the group just sat around doing their own thing and wandering off.   

Friday, September 18, 2020

Apple crumble



Hello and welcome back to another blog and in food class we made apple crumble it was a very easy and yummy recipe.
Classic Apple Crumble | Donna Hay
2 green apples

a teaspoon of sugar

half a cup brown

half a cup of brown sugar

2 teaspoon of cinnamon

I think my group worked well and all played a part in making the food and cleaning up.

My Role

Name: Billy 
Relationships: Single 
Age: 35
Job: gang member
Gender: male 
 Stereotype: bad boyzzz

Here is the most amazing photo of me. 


energy transformation experiment

 1. Chemical +electrical - Battery 

2. Light +Chemical - Flashlight 

3. Kinetic + light - Car  

Aim- To make a marshmallow shooter transforms energy.


- Plastic cup 

- Marshmallows 

- Balloon 


Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Definition: Stored in an object, the ability to move something.

Different kinds of energy 

Light energy: the energy of electromagnetic waves. Used in microwaves, x-rays and visible light

Heat energy: Cause by the movement of particles. Found in all hot objects

Sound energy: Energy produced by vibrating objects examples are speech or music 

Chemical potential energy. Energy stored in the bonds between particle. found in substances like petrol and food.

Gravitational potential energy: Energy stored in objects due to their height above the ground.

Kinetic energy: Energy due to the motion of an object Eg. moving cars, running, swimming.  

Elastic potential energy: Energy stored in stretched or squashed objects. Examples are stored springs.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Science Introduction

 The topics we will be studying in science are:

1.Energy types 

2.Energy Transformation 




6.The eye 

7.Reflection and reflection of light 



10. Magnetism

All experiments will use the scientific method. The headings that are used for this will be: 







Friday, August 21, 2020

The melodramatic Acting Style

  • Slower clearer delivery of lines with huge projection. Remember Victorian Theatres were huge and there were no microphones. 

  • Play everything to the audience, even if you are supposed to be talking to another character on stage! Indicate whom you are talking to by looking sideways at them and holding your hand out towards

  • Address the audience directly whenever the script will allow you to do so. 

  • The Pose: Invent poses of shock, horror, love, evil, intent, cruelty, desire, dilemma, forgiveness, begging forgiveness etc. A pose should last at least three seconds and should be clearly visible from fifty metres. 

  • The working yourself up to the pose: lasts two to three seconds --let's see you get there!  

  • The Gasp - very loud expressing a range of emotions. Often accompanied by a pose. 

  • The Swoon - often preceded by lines such as "Alas! I can hardly bear it." The swoon should be graceful and provision should be made for someone to catch you.

  • The long walk downstage/upstage/across the stage when hatching a plan or in a dilemma

  • The Pacing- to and fro across the stage when hatching a plan or in a dilemma. Move before you speak so that the audience can track who is speaking

  • The Tableau (freeze frame)- the still picture made up of a number of characters to freeze the moment, eg: The Happy Ending/ The Secret Lovers. Tableaux should be very explicit

  • The Sigh/The Groan/The Tubercular Cough 

First Entrances are important - may even bow, this is related to the cult of “The Actorthe Star system.

Inside Secrets Of Pose TV Show Music And Soundtrack

I want to make a top hat

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How The Black Death Spread To Humans

Hello and welcome back to another blog post and today in chemicals and chaos we had to write a simple body paragraph on how the black death spread to humans. 

Rats and fleas played a big part in spreading the black death. First, the rats would have the black death and then the fleas would get the black death off the rat the fleas would then infect a human host. Then humans would interact and infect each other this shows how easy it was to spread the disease. Once the human caught the plague they had many symptoms that would affect them in negative ways.

Healthy and unhealthy relationships?

                                              Healthy and unhealthy relationships 


  • Divide a slide or page into two columns headed up Healthy Relationships vs Unhealthy Relationships. Under each heading brainstorm words, they think are linked. 






















What things could you do to make them healthy and avoid conflict?

Be kind and considerate 

Define what a good relationship looks like

-Being happy 


