
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What is a digital footprint?

Name: Kaleb

What is a digital footprint?

Reading lesson follows this structure: 

Pre-reading - what do you already know? What are some things this text may tell us? 

  • Share personal info not private

  • Photographs 

  •  Information about things like.

During reading - check meaning on words, and phrases used. 

Post-reading - Why do you think the author made this text?

  • Warning people to be aware of what they post online.

  • Awareness about how many ways there are to share.

What did they want their audience to think about and/or know?

 - use evidence from the text to explain your answer.  

  • Digestive footprints never leave, never go away they are not like footprints in the sand 

First text - What is a digital footprint

Check the meaning of

impression: an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.

assume: suppose to be the case, without proof

content: in a state of peaceful happiness.

passively: in an accepting manner, without active response or resistance.

metadata:a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.

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